Adriano Casagrande
Underwater Restorer
Adriano Casagrande graduated from ICR in 2003, specializing in the restoration of stone materials. From 2009 to 2014 he worked as a freelance restorer at the Museu Comarcal de l’Urgell di Tarrega (Spain) where he carried out design, restoration and conservation works of archaeological materials (stone, ceramic, metal, organic) coming from the Museum depots and the archaeological excavations in the province of Tarrega. Since 2002, he has been working at the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism as a restorer, firstly at the Museo Nazionale Romano and since 2017 at ICR, where he teaches and leads training excavation sites at the Scuola di Alta Formazione e Studio (Advanced Vocational School). Since 2018, he has been a member of the Underwater Archaeology Operations Unit at ISCR; he has obtained the FIPSAS-CMAS diving certification and he is authorised by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and of Tourism to dive for official missions.