Carlotta Sacco Perasso
Underwater Restorer
Born in 1986, Carlotta Sacco Perasso has obtained a MA in Science and Technologies for the Conservation of the Cultural Heritage, obtained at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences at the Università degli Studi La Sapienza (Rome), with a specialisation in biology.
She got her II level Master in Management and Promotion of Technological Innovation for Cultural Heritage at the Università Roma Tre and an International biannual II level Master in Heritage Cultures – Knowledge, Protection, Enhancement and Management at the same university.
She is currently collaborating with ICR, working on the analysis and conservation of underwater cultural heritage, being part of the Marine Biology team at the Laboratory of Biological Investigations and a member of the Underwater Archaeology Operations Unit at ISCR. She worked as an underwater conservator in the MUSAS project (MUSeums of Underwater Archaeology – Protection, Enhancement and Networking of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Campania-Calabria-Apulia) in the sites of Baiae (Campania), Egnatia (Apulia) and Caulon (Monasterace, Calabria), and in other projects such as the underwater excavation sites of Epidaurus (Greece), Punta Scifo (Marine Protected Area of Capo Rizzuto, Calabria). She also worked on artefacts recovered from the sea, such as statues coming from the wreck of Antikythera (Athens) and the Blue Grotto in Capri. Since 2003, she has obtained five diving certifications at the FIAS [Italian Federation of Underwater Activities] and a CMAS certification (Scientific Diver) at the ISSD International School for Scientific Diving.
She currently teaches Zoology and Environmental and Applied Botany at the Scuola di Alta Formazione per il Restauro of the ICR (Matera).
Since February 2017 she is the President of the Associazione Nazionale degli Esperti di Diagnostica e di Scienze e Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali [ANEDbc, National Association of Experts of Conservation, Science and Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage], of which she is also a founding member.
She is the author and co-author of about 20 scientific publications in national and international journals.