Marco Ciabattoni
Conservator at ICR
Marco Ciabattoni works as a conservator at the Laboratory of Physics and Environmental Controls at ICR. Marco graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1996 at the Università degli Studi la Sapienza (Rome), specializing in Hyperbaric medicine. In 2004 he obtained the CMAS-NAD instructor’s certification and he was authorised by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and of Tourism to dive for official missions. He is a member of the Underwater Archaeology Operations Unit at ISCR, with which he worked in underwater sites in Italy and abroad, dealing in particular with new methods for recovering fragile objects in underwater excavations involving the use of carbon fibres.
Marco Ciabattoni works also at the Scuola di Alta Formazione e Studio (Advanced Vocational School) of ICR where he teaches Physics for Cultural Heritage.