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Amphora neck, broken at the height of the shoulders. Biological degradation The fragment of the amphora presents – on the external and internal surfaces (especially inside the neck) – a mixed colonisation with a predominant presence of sedentary Polychaeta, encrusting red algae thalli and Bryozoans.…

Ingot in lead, oblong, “baguette”-shaped. Short rounded sides. Biological degradation The artefact does not show signs of biological degradation. References MEDAGLIA, c.d.s.

Weighting bar with a parallelepiped profile, belonging to an anchor stock. It belongs to a class of wooden anchors with a weighting made of lead. In this type, the lead was cast in two wooden cases that were part of an anchor made of the…

A fragmentary amphora (only the rim, the neck, and handles on shoulder have been found) of African production (from Byzacena or Zeugitana), belonging to the Keay 62 D type. It is characterised by an expanded band rim with a quadrangular or triangular profile, more or…

Arm of a stone anchor stock with a dedication to Phayllos in Achaean alphabet: «of Zeus Meilichius. Erected by Phayllos». It is easy to recognise the name of the famous Phayllos who participated in the battle of Salamis with a trireme and won the Pythian…

Archaic bronze helmet, Corinthian type with fixed paragnathides and a nasal protection. It probably belonged to an armed man on board of a ship. Biological degradation The helmet does not present traces of biological degradation. References MEDAGLIA 2010, p. 295, n. 293, nota 1337, con…

Anchor stock in stone, one arm missing. A typical separation groove between the two arms is visible. According to Strabo, the main port of Croton was located by the river Esaro that probably hosted a canal harbour. Up to now, this artefact is the only…

Anchor stock in stone with tapered and rounded arms. Central both.   Biological degradation References MEDAGLIA 2010, p. 269-270 with references. 1 For a review of the most known anchor stocks, see GIANFROTTA 1975; Id. 1977 and ID. 1982. On some stone anchor stocks found…

Fragmentary bowl with a thickened rim and a raised ring foot, with a residual decoration in red and manganese brown on the bottom. A trellis in manganese brown is visible. The preservation state does not allow for determining the type of whitish coating. Biological degradation…

A plate with an everted rim and a residual inner decoration in red and manganese brown. Raised ring foot. Purified clay paste. The preservation state does not allow for determining the type of whitish coating. Biological degradation The artefact does not present traces of biological…

Terracotta pipe bowl. Biological degradation The artefact presents a superficial (epilithic) colonisation with a white layer of calcareous nature. Such degradation is attributable to the thalli of encrusting red algae (Rhodophyceae). Inside the pipe bowl there are little calcareous tubes made by sedentary sea worms…

Anfora spatheion (piccola anfora per il trasporto marino di liquidi pregiati) tipo Keay XXVI di produzione nord-africana. Corpo cilindrico stretto ed allungato, mancante del puntale, bordo arrotondato estroflesso e ribassato. Collo cilindrico con lieve restringimento centrale. Mancante di un’ansa. Degrado biologico L’anfora presenta una diffusa…