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Spatheion amphora (a small amphora for maritime transport of valuable liquids) of Keay XXVI type, made in North Africa. Cylindrical, narrow and elongated body, pointed foot with rounded, everted and lowered rim.  Cylindrical neck, with two narrow handles on the sides, with a slight central…

Microasiatic sarcophagus found in two large separated fragments.  On the sides of the preserved frontal part, there is a relief of a scene of Dionysius flirting with a dancing Maenad. On the short sides there are carvings of a Satyr’s mask, a swag and a…

Pieces of African kitchenware, concreted together.  There are both productions with light grey patina with a blackened rim and productions with stripes and bands. The types found on the wreck are comparable to plates-lids Hayes 196, lids Hayes 195 (Atlante I, CV, nn. 3-4), casseroles…

Simpulum (ladle, dipper). It is one of the two simpula with long handles made of copper alloy attributable to the wreck of Punta Scifo C. Biological degradation The artefact does not present signs of biological colonisation. References Medaglia S. 2010, Carta archeologica della provincia di…

Leaden group representing Heracles fighting against the Ceryneian Hind. Hellenistic style. Placed on a curved plate fixed by long iron pins to a probable wooden support. Worn surfaces. Probably it was part of the on-board lararium. Biological degradation The artefact does not present visible biological…

Fragment of the rim of a mortar with a stamp [C(ai)] Bellici / Zmaragdi, (type CIL XV, 1, 2418), found during the excavation works of 1983 on the wreck of Punta Scifo A. It was undoubtedly part of on-board provisions.  This type of a mortar,…

Coticule (tavoletta di pietra usata per affilare le lame o per articoli da toilette). Forma rettangolare con bordi obliqui/svasati. Trovato insieme ad almeno altri 5 esemplari. Inizialmente interpretati come campioni per il commercio (1). Degrado biologico Il manufatto non presenta evidenti attacchi biologici. Bibliografia Medaglia…

Coticule (a stone tablet used for sharpening blades or for toiletry). Rectangular shape with oblique/flared edges. Found together with at least 5 other specimens. Initially interpreted as samples for trade (1). Biological degradation The artefact does not present traces of biological degradation. References MEDAGLIA 2008…

Block of black-coloured glass. Biological degradation The artefact does not present traces of biological degradation. References Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento dei relitti antichi lungo la costa crotonese. Nota preliminare, in Ricerche archeologiche e storiche in Calabria: modelli e prospettive, “Atti del convegno di…

Block of greenish-coloured glass. It is an element intended to be melt again and perhaps it was part of the ballast. Similar artefacts, always from the Roman times, were also found on the wreck “del Vetro”, investigated in the sea in front of Venice.  …

Amphora of the Kapitän II type. Preserved parts: neck with horizontal rope-like decorations, rim and handles (with ribbons and grooves, one handle is fragmentary). Two specimens of this type were attributed to the galley of the wreck of Punta Scifo A. These stand as another…

Candelabrum, lamp-holder with a movable base decorated with three dolphins (two left) arranged obliquely. Tall stem with an upper part characterised by one disc-shaped and one globular beads. Biological degradation The artefact does not present visible biological degradation. References Medaglia S., 2008, Per un censimento…