Recognisable as Cupid thanks to the wings, this great torso in marble, with the head and the limbs missing and heavily corroded by lithodomes in the back, was found at the beginning of the 1920s on the seabed of the port of Baia, among the submerged remains of the imperial palace.
It is a well-known type, recurring in various copies, now hosted by a number of museums all over the world, and it is inspired by a Greek model attributable to the school of Praxiteles.
The artefact does not show signs of biological degradation.
Maniscalco, F. 1995, ‘Un ninfeo severiano nelle acque del porto di Baia’, Ostraka, 4(2), p. 268.
Napoli, M. 1953 ‘Di una villa marittima di Baia’, Bollettino di Storia dell’Arte. Istituto Universitario di Magistero, Salerno, III(1), pp. 91-92.
Zevi F. (cur.) 2009, Museo archeologico dei Campi Flegrei. Castello di Baia. Napoli: Electa Napoli, vol. 3, p. 137.